The Legal Clinic offers services on a sliding scale to our Grand/Kin-parents and guardians above what Legal Aid provides. For more information or to be connected with an attorney click on contact us button below.
For more information contact Law Office of Kathryn A. Meloni, Esq. at 610-565-1260 or or and indicate that you were referred by Grands Stepping Up you will then be referred to the appropriate attorney.
Kathryn along with 15 other attorneys offer their legal services of the following areas,
Adoption, Family Law, Wills, Probate, Guardianship of Minors, POAs, Criminal Law, Dependency, Juvenile, Name Change, Guardianship of Minors, PFA, Bankruptcy, Debtor Law, Traffic, Consumer, LL/Ten, Estate Planning, Custody, Unemployment/Discrimination, Immigration Law, & Social Security Disability.
* If you need help in area not listed here contact Kathryn and she will find you an attorney on a discounted basis.
Criteria: Sliding Scale:
150% of poverty level: 30% discount
200% of poverty level: 25% discount
Above 200% of poverty level: 20% discount
*The goal of GSU is that, once we have legal clinic funds, we can help contribute to these costs by providing families with grants toward their legal cases, depending on poverty level guidelines.