All announcements, changes, etc. will be posted here and on our social media pages. Please check this page before arriving for any and all updates. See Map below for corresponding entrances.
*GSU's Denis' Pantry has a new location! Bethany Evangelical Presbyterian Church 5 Concord Ave., Havertown, PA 19083.
We are beyond grateful to continue our partnership with them! More information can be found on this page including new rules and regulations, the pantry's calendar along with any pertinent information for clients. We have a new digital system which means all clients new & existing are required to register with documentation to be eligible to receive services.
Grands Stepping Up's sole mission is to provide support and assistance to grandparents raising their grandchildren or kinship guardians raising family members in their court appointed roles.
GSU’s Denis’ Pantry is the sole program that is available to ALL Delaware County residents.
What are Grand or Kinship families: grandparents or kinship guardians are the sole guardian(s) to a grandchild/niece/nephew/etc. as appointed by a court of law. Additional household residents are just that and are not eligible to participate in the program. All grand/kinship are required to register with proper documentation to be eligible to participate in GSU’s programs. HOW TO REGISTER: You can register and receive your identification number by bringing your proper documentation (see accepted items below) to GSU's Denis' Pantry at Bethany EPC 5 N. Concord Ave., Havertown during operating hours.
If you are new to GSU or have visited us at the pantry and would like to know more about us, you can find all pertinent GSU's Denis' Pantry information on this page. Take a look around and if you have any questions check our FAQs section or send us an email.
*Accepted Documentation (One of the listed items per person in household)-
*DISCLAIMER: Becoming a pantry client DOES NOT entitle you to GSU services. You MUST be a registered grand/kinship family to partake in any programs/services not offered directly by GSU's Denis’ Pantry.
Per surveys from many grandparents, their most immediate need many times is food. Denis’ pantry serves all of Delaware County.
We are set up to support grandparents when they receive a grandbaby and they need supplies.
GSU Featured by MLTV-Main Line Network!
GSU Featured by MLTV-Main Line Network!
GSU Featured on MLTV-Main Line Network!